Paul Taylor

2022 Scholarship Recipient

Having grown up in a music-loving family, Paul Taylor developed an appreciation for the blues at a young age. One grandfather played boogie woogie/blues piano and the other harmonica. His father and sister both played guitar and his uncle played bass and guitar. Family gatherings often revolved around listening to good music or jamming.

Despite having been influenced by the blues at an early age, Paul did not seriously start playing himself until he picked up a guitar during the onset of the Covid pandemic. Paul spent hours during the quarantine grinding on chords and scales and learned to play along with some of his favorite tunes.

The music came to him more naturally than any sport he had played or subject he had studied in school. It was something he felt as much as it was something he listened to. Paul has taken lessons from one of the area’s preeminent blues/rock guitarists, Butch Armstrong, and now with the challenges of his senior year at University School in the rearview, he looks forward to branching out from his home and collaborating more regularly with Butch and other blues musicians. Paul will be attending the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University in the fall and intends to couple his interest in business with his passion for music.